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uMyo - wearable EMG sensor

uMyo is a single channel wearable EMG sensor with wireless data transmission. Multiple sensors can be connected to one receiver. uMyo is a flexible EMG system allowing to pick up signals from different muscles - and not only from arms, but also legs, torso or even face. It is certified open source hardware (

Main features of uMyo are:

  • It’s wireless! No more mess of wires when working with EMG
  • Works with any Arduino via nRF24 radio module (you can use our Arduino library)
  • Works with ESP32 with no extra hardware (we also wrote an Arduino library)
  • Multiple units (up to 12 in current version) can send data to the same Arduino/ESP32
  • Sends out detected muscle activity level, 4-bins spectrum; and raw EMG data (in nRF24 mode)
  • Can be used with a bracelet and dry electrodes, or with gel electrodes via soldered connector

Further reading